Monday, March 21, 2011

Milly Toads Poem

This is one of my first attempts at a poem. So please don't be too harsh on me, since

I'm just starting out ;)

Twas milly toads, that walked the way,
walked it swaying to and freigh.
The thirteenth of June that fateful day,
no rain in sight, not till May.
But then it came, on wings of clay,
and told the toads, to go away.
The toads stiffened and replied nay,
this is our home, we intend to stay.
Then stay you shall, replied the creature with a neigh,
and you shall regret having crossed the fey.
No we shan't, said the head toad Jay,
but since you've angered us, you must now pay.
And the toads gathered their strength to hold the beast at bay,
the creature now gone, without a word to say.
The rain now came, in the month of May,
Twas the milly toads that walked the way.

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