Monday, March 7, 2011

Piggy Bank's.

Well this being my first blog post, I decided to make it something special. I thought about doing something introductory, like "Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Jose Ruiz, etc" but that would be lame.

The best introduction I can give, is with one of my favorite short stories, a humorous tale about the evil of piggy bank's. So without further ado, enjoy!

Thoughts from a piggy bank owner.

The piggy bank oinked happily as a few more coins were dropped in. It was already quite full, but no matter how much you dropped in, there always seemed to be room for another quarter. And it was a proper piggy bank too. Not one of the clever ones that looked like a scene from a kids book, but a classic, pudgy little pig, complete with curly tail and soulful little eyes, that stared longingly at your pocket until you couldn't resist any longer and dropped a coin in the bank.
Most people didn't see any further than that, and there really wasn't much else to see, unless you looked really really closely. If you were an astute observer though, you might notice the malignant rolls of fat beneath the eyes, hinting at darker secrets, and the odd twist to the end of the tail, that made it look just a little bit like a pitchfork. And if you looked even closer, staring deep into it's piggy eyes, you would see the Greed. Greed, with a capital 'G'. For this was one of the first piggy banks, and had been around for centuries, growing fatter and greedier with each coin dropped in, until the greed had blackened it's very soul.
And now the original piggy was completely gone, replaced by an evil, vile hog, no longer worthy of the name 'piggy', who craved nothing but coins. Coins at any and all cost. The pig would not spare
a single iota of worry over it's owners safety, as long as it got it's coins. It had already killed three
Not on purpose of course. The pig couldn't actually move, it just sat there. But it didn't need to move. It's owners would feel compelled to put coins in, since that's what you did with piggy banks right? But soon enough, the pig would demand more, and more, and more. It would sit smugly wherever you put it, staring down at you with it's piggy eyes, full of reproachfullness at your stinginess, at you not putting any coins in. You'd try to resist, but that accusatory stare would get to anyone in time. And soon enough, you put a few coins in, just to make it stop. But it wouldn't stop for long. For once you fed the pig, it wanted more...
A few weeks might pass, and you would find yourself putting larger and larger sums of money in the pig, only to be hit with that awful stare once again, demanding yet more money. Soon, you'd be robbing convenience stores, just to keep the pig satisfied. Only a little at first. Stealing money out of the change jars, small stuff like that. But in time, that too would not be enough, and your life would spiral out of control as you tried frantically to stop the pigs greed. Those evil eyes would invade your very dreams, until you could think of nothing but the pig. But you couldn't stop it. You couldn't break or throw away the piggy, because it takes an evil soul indeed to harm a piggy bank.
So it would ruin your life, until nothing remained to you. Your experience with the piggy, would either end in jail, or death. And a happy release it was, from the piggy's enslavement.
But the piggy bank would always find a way, to continue it's greedy acquisition of money. It could be mysteriously winding up in someone's Will, and bequeathing itself to a wealthy family member, or it could be a disappearing from it's owner's house, only to be found a few days later in a pawn shop, or a street gutter, inevitably being picked up by someone else.

And the piggy's greed would continue, an endless, vicious cycle, never ending, never stopping, and never ever going away. So if you ever see a piggy bank and think it's cute and might be fun to put a few coins in, then resist the temptation and walk on. For piggy banks are a thing of evil and it does you no good to encourage them.

I will periodically be posting more of my stories, so check back often :)

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